money and about avoiding paying taxes, and i immediately thought of the information voiced by danylo hetmantsev, about the fact that vat will have to be raised, but you know, with respect to the luxury tax, no can come to an agreement, and the main argument is why if this issue is not a priority right now, because from vat you can get funds to the state budget very quickly, as well as from the military levy, but from the luxury tax, well... . it can take two years there, that is, in order for us to get such a significant effect, no, no, look, i was at that peace event yesterday, and i was actually present at that conversation with mr. gidmantsev, there it was a little different it sounded, he and he said that the issue of detenization, they will simply drag on for a long time, and when we are talking about the luxury tax, the following was said: first of all, what is luxury, well, buying a car? is it a luxury or not a luxury, is it a means of transportation, or, for example, let's say, the issues related to the purchase and sale of real estate, which was proposed to be taxed at an additional 5%