. >> daphna and alexander cardinale have been in cristina's shoes. they turned to ivf.a gave birth to a baby girl who will call may, and though she didn't resemble her older sister at first, the couple didn't think much of it. >> both of us just kind of were like, oh, like genetics are what they are and they're weird. >> and but i was born with black hair, so i was like, oh, this one takes after me. >> daphna continued to ignore it, but alexander says he couldn't seem to get those seeds of doubt out of his mind, especially when others pointed out that their baby appeared to be asian. >> i can't stress enough how much love creates the most powerful form of denial. >> to ease their concerns, they decided to take a dna test. >> it's 99.9% accurate that you're not the father. and then. and then she asked me to read the results for the mother. and then it was 99.9%. but yeah, it's earth shattering. >> the clinic told them their embryo had been switched with another couple's who'd given birth to alexander and daphne's biological daughter named zoe. even more shocking, the two