told them their embryo had been switched with another couple's who'd given birth to alexander and daphne'sgical daughter named zoe. even more shocking, the two families lived just miles apart. >> oh my god. >> daphna and alexander distinctly remember the moment they came face to face with their biological daughter, zoe. for the first time. >> she was in her car seat. >> and they handed her to you. >> oh my god. hello. >> for me, it was looking into her eyes when i like. that's when it became real. when i lifted her up and felt her weight and looked directly into her eyes. >> how are you so blue eyed, bubba? >> she had my family's eyes it. and it was really emotional because she was already four months old. >> that's that's crazy. i missed i missed the little squishy, the newborn little squishy. >> newborn phase of zoe. >> i missed the pregnancy with that one. >> that's a full year. that's what she says all the time. >> finally, they made an agonizing decision. they would switch their four month old babies. >> don't jump on. >> zoe and mae are now five years old. the families have stayed cl