the occupant was a deaf woman named daphne wright. >> daphne said that she had met darlene several timest the deaf apartments, that she had met her at the deaf club. >> 42-year-old daphne wright had no criminal record. during police questioning, wright denied any involvement. >> i didn't send any e-mails. it could have been a hacker. >> i don't believe the hacker story. i believe you sent the e-mails to her. you created an account with a different name and sent her the e-mails on those days, telling her to stay away from the deaf apartments. >> yeah, yeah, i did that. >> you created the name wendy smith? >> yes, i did that. >> a background check revealed daphne wright had been involved in a public altercation with darlene vandergiesen just five days before she disappeared. darlene was having dinner with sally ford, who was daphne wright's former lover. >> they had had an argument that the police had to be called to and she had to be escorted off the property. >> daphne wright told the police that she was jealous. she told police that she thought darlene was destroying her relationship wi