effect on handbags in the name of their social justice cause i love to call them now with a geisha dapo because there's an almost fascist element to the a l g b t community now they're absolutely the most were and rampant arbiters of cancel culture they love to destroy people they love to destroy people's careers all businesses should be in bold and in politics and will soon. in social impact absolutely 100 percent it's a measure of social responsibility entrepreneur as well you know i try to donate as much as i can because we have to give back to the community unfortunately we know that this state funding is not enough so we need to companies and big enterprises that to be sensitive and help you know organizations that are trying to do something right it's really gone far beyond justice it's gone far beyond equality it's now about really trying to control other people and it's particularly sad in this instance because now they've actually just completely shamed and made a target of an organization that's trying to help abused women battered women so now battered women are going to be r