dara trujillo and matt demmers. they work for hsn. you look gorgeous. the product is great.et's go. >> hi, i'm mayumi from chris mella. thank you for having me. it's the most secure high tech earring back. have you ever lost an earring? you're not alone. in our survey, 86% of us have lost an earring, at least once, but no more. chrysmela is the only earring back like this patented. inside these tiny devices are three ball bearings that lock automatically onto earring posts in any sizes and any types. it stays locked until you unlock it. no wonder "people" magazine called it the most genius invention ever. i'm happy to share this fantastic innovation i found in japan with millions of people. >> perfect timing. not perfect timing for me, i just lost a gorgeous earring my husband bought me. now he knows. so i need this. what do you guys think? good job, by the way. >> well, i love it. quite honestly, i'm wearing clip-ones because of the fact that i lose earrings all the time. my earring backs and they fall off. quick question, though, do was it help hold it in place up front? >