christopher darby, thank you for joining us. >> great demand all the way around the world.have customers that are globally spread. we will bring this operation back online using that existing infrastructure. significant hurdle ahead of our competitors. we are that much more advanced from our competitors. >> am sure that the money you raised, just over $6.5 million, will be used over the next two processes, getting this mine back up and running, correct? >> us right. we are going to use the funds to restart that operation. it is a really simple process to get started. duringow capital costs $6.5 million. we can have graphite coming out the door in the first quarter of 2014. then we advance into phase two after that, which we will build granite at 60,000 the site. it must be something that is used in pencils. does it have any other industrial uses? >> it does. in pencils coming szekely right. we have -- because of the way through to industrial refractories and foundries. but most importantly, high-end electronics. energy, its of green is fundamental to the green energy push f