>>> wing suit daredevil scottie bob is famous for cutting it -- >> very, very, very close. >> now, seehe best of the best when it comes to near misses. >>> plus, today's buzzword for your shot at a new ipad mini. >>> and you've seen the incredible claymations on our show. >> all done by mr. oz. >> find out how this "rtm" favorite is now hitting the big time. >> yeah, it was fate, i got to say and i'm one of these people that believes everything happens for a reason. >>> they're designed to be a safety feature in tall buildings but i think these are more like steel cages of near death experiences for children in china, this little boy hanging by his arms from this steel cage that protects windows. but looks like the little boy slipped out the window and then fell through the bars that just aren't close enough to keep his little body from falling through. >> wow. and he is high up. look at that. >> five stories up in the air. it looks like some neighbors below have gone out their window. they were there for about half an hour before rescuers were able to show up. >> wow. and you got to t