someone shho and killed her 15-year-old son darien.. january 8, 1999....omicide phht happened nearly 13 years ago.., still unsolved..... a caregiver's cold case. a mooher who's heard the same thing from police, over and over aaain.(beverly) "can't fiid the killer...." happened at thee ccrner of bel air road andd darien wassgunned down during a botched robbery.. his coat icy cold street that night. ..........a 15-year-old a-stuuent and football player at patterson igh school, murdered.(beverly) "people seen the young man running and drop the gun, and nobody waats to ome forth.. there are unansweree questions now..... like then... when beverll spoke out about a possible suspect, she says, time. but wiih a - lack of evidence or witnesses..there's no arrest. (beverry) you know the killer is still ut there and i know there's someone who do know who killed my son..."(bbverly) "but the thing is, nobody wanted to come forth, it was like people were afraid of him.."...........the aggravating search for the suspect... then the surprising revelation about