tomorrow was too late with the voice of dariush navidi i have the space to thank mr.ineer 08 for his efforts, which are actually kind and save us. this greenhouse had reached the minimum pregnancy almost 12 weeks ago, and i did not realize that i had symptoms again. honestly, it should not have been used before. i had done it, but i was relieved it can be used before cultivation. i didn't think that even though i used venom , we would have it now. until one time, i saw a very cool plant and we checked it . i received the favor and they said that they sent some of my worker klatover home and it is working. after two days, he told me that this amazing nematodicide drug was introduced as one of the first knowledge-based products in the field of agriculture , but it was important for us to put a smile on the farmer's face. that all of them are sad, the land and its crops will be good he used it to make tea with himself, i thought it was good, i used it because it had a problem with the persians , but it was used for the reason that it was used . he did not use the color a