and i'd like to just sort of jump forward a little bit and invite darlene zane to come up and give therd. here she comes. [cheering and applauding] >> hello, everyone. so, for years the portola and it's the portola, foster recognition. and, dan, things started happening. one of the things that gave attention to our neighborhood is when we decided we were going to have a new branch library. ruth wallace came up with the idea of a garden tour and a lot of us thought, a garden tour? our neighborhood? who is going to come? well, we had every -- we've done it for six years. every year we've grown incrementally. after the first two years of raising money for the library -- there's our new library -- we then it was such a great community builder that we recently decided to keep wanting to volunteering and do it. we established a scholarship at city college for the horticultural department. and we have just gone gangbusters. we get good press and we get to see everybody's neighbor -- all our neighbors' gardens. because of the way san francisco s you get to be veuyer because usually you have to