>> darnell: as cheap as...at they can, and they want the best. >> pitts: small farmers like darnell have not been spared in this economy. >> darnell: hello. >> pitts: during our visit, he took a phone call from his bookkeeper. >> darnell: you got me worried. she intends to foreclose. >> pitts: behind on his mortgage, darnell could lose the family farm. he says it's one more reason why he needs abundant, cheap labor to pick his tomato crop. >> darnell: if i want to eat constantly fresh fruit and vegetables, i need to realize there are people that got to produce that stuff, and there are people that are having to pick it. they're not on the high side of society, they're not living in the hamptons. but... but if i don't have them people, you won't have that stuff here. >> pitts: darnell hires about 50 farm workers at the peak of the harvest. most come from mexico and central america, like this 16- year-old. she's been working in the fields since she was 13. in your opinion, should a 12- year-old child be doing thi