and is that you have a real counter deterrents. >> that's an interesting point about darrell steinberg. we heard from him about the opening part of his proposal this week is to expand spending on training of law enforcement officers. that's partly in recognition of the fact that they çÑc$u$e first responders and increasingly people with mental illness are in prison and jail and in contact with the criminal justice system but it raises a very interesting question about, you know, if a police officer comes to your door, you know, are you going to open up about concerns you have about your mental health? probably not. as a society, we kind of learned to fear law enforcement. so i think, you know, some of the people who are opposed to some of the spending are arguing, let's reinvest that money so a social worker shows up at the your door. >> well, it may be worse than th that, by the way. there may be millions of people willing to tell the police automatic their troubles but i don't think those are the most dangerous people in society. when you're planning to become a mass murderer, you're