but as darren gersh reports, that move is not without controversy. >> reporter: the subprime mortgage crisis was bad enough, but it was made worse by derivatives. those are complicated financial contracts that operate like a bet or an insurance policy. in the financial crisis, derivatives expanded that mortgage risk and spread it around the world. the senate financial reform bill tackles that problem by forcing banks to spin off their derivative operations. consumer advocates like public citizen's robert weissman fought for the provision and are working to make sure it is signed into law. >> this is the kind of business we should not want in the united states. we should not want it to exist in the united states. we shouldn't want it to exist anywhere in the world, but we shouldn't want the business that relies on conning people, tricking people, even sophisticated investors to take place within our borders. >> reporter: companies ranging from real estate developers to oil drillers use derivatives to manage their risks. and the obama administration and federal reserve chairman ben bern