look what they did to the cambridge police, darren wilson, michael brown in ferguson. they rushed to judgment in baltimore. the fake rape allegations at uva. the fake rape allegations against the duke lacrosse team. due process be damned. equal justice be damned under the law. equal application of our laws be damned. the constitution of the united states, to all of them be damned. the media mob, the democratic party mob, they have caused great harm and division in this country. they laughed at the idea that donald trump could win. they begged him to run. by the way, on all those cases we mentioned, we didn't rush to judgment. justice kavanaugh another case. we allowed due process. we allowed the presumption of innocence. they've never been held accountable, but it's never been this big. now that he's president, they have never taken the time to ever cover donald trump's accomplishments which have been record-breaking. they hit him. they hate all of we the people that dard ed to vote for him. they thought they knew better. we, the ir redeemable depl deplorables. it's ca