congressman darryl issa, he's a republican from california, and he joins me now. n the freedom caucus to get that absolute unity, congressman issa? >> the answer is we're going to. now, the question, stuart is how are we going to? yes, he does have to deal with the fact that the states that he had there, myself included, woe were very adversely effective by the elimination and deductibility for income tax that was taken in voluntarily and you know extremely well that when they tell you that you made $200,000 and then both the state and federal government tax you on $200,000 in new york or in california, that means that you could be paying 53% off the top so, yes, there is a demand for some sort of recognition of that. the president recognized it, was very supportive that we need to find a collusion. he also said, and i think quiet rightly, we have a lot of priorities of things, which are going to make the economy grow. we can't leave the things that help the economy grow out because we -- only way to grow out of the deficit ultimately is to grow our way out. stuart