people who use this platform to connect with the world. startup a resume house, the story from daryl butler and central kansas mcdermott as life like so many others in garza, has been uprooted by the violence of wool originally from because a city has been displaced multiple times since the conflict began. now taking course huge in their reason. zip is that good, this is what we're going to have to respond to the destruction. an onset tennessee has found a way to document is like a minor queue. others, how about this through sarcasm. so tanya and human what becomes a personal outlet soon became the phone that 3 millions of followers from all over the world together. how do i get to the message before the war? i used to create content for fun, but during the war there's no work or anything else to do. all you have is your phone and you feel like you have a responsibility to show the world. once you experience these things, forced people to document and give a glimpse of what we go through the minutes videos, combined shops, humor with a touch of reality. testing come into your thoughts calls