swa pan dasgupta, welcome to hardtalk.e than three years ago, when he came to power, mr modi was described widely around the world, and in india, ithink, as a conservative, hindu nationalist, and a populist politician, do you think he has lived up to those labels? i think the most important thing about when he came to power is that it was interpreted very differently by very different sections of the electorate. there were certainly some who saw him as a conservative, there were some who saw him as a free marketeer. others saw him as a nationalist. some saw him as a poor boy made good. and some people saw him as a member of the backward castes. so it really depends, swapan dasgupta conveyed multiple images to people. —— mr modi conveyed. which one is the real mr modi? i think he is all of them in some ways. i'm very taken in your writing, and you are an ally of mr modi, and the bjp has put you the upper house of the indian parliament, but you're also a writer. i am struck by some things you have written. for example, you s