bushehr province with a maximum temperature of 49 degrees and the coolest place is dasht nedan in fars province with a minimum temperature of 4 degrees. between the centers of the provinces, ahvaz is the warmest with a maximum temperature of 46 degrees and kurdshahr is the coolest center of the province with a minimum temperature of 7 degrees. we anticipate that from today to wednesday at most the regions of the country, especially the northern regions, where the temperature has decreased , we will see the temperature increase, so until wednesday, the temperature will increase. from wednesday , the temperature will decrease again. also , for today and tomorrow, strong wind is the dominant phenomenon in the eastern and central parts of the country, and in these areas, strong wind can lead to rising dust, reduce air quality, and reduce horizontal visibility. for the next 5 days , the sky will be clear and sunny in the regions of joram and padayrah. for the next day or two in the heights of alborz central and alborz east. we predict scattered rains we will have thunderstorms temporarily i