and that's, you know, that's a different set of datapoints, if you will, that relates to a lot of loved i just don't want to go through that until the right time. and it turns out that not running has generated more interest than if i said i was running. it's kind of weird. i'm not that smart, i promise you, it just kind of happened that way. so i go about my business each day trying to avoid having to think about it. you know, i've got a lot of work to do. and i have a fulfilled life. and at some point, you know, maybe a year from now -- >> i'm marking it down. >> end of the year, i'll make a decision based on those two simple things. >> a colleague of mine, megan kelly, who many of you know, was interviewing governor chris christie a few days ago and asked him about 2016 and said, who do the republicans need to support in who do you think are the first frontrunners, and the first name out of his mouth was yours. what do you make of that because a lot of people have him in the mix as well? >> he's the real deal. he's spoken here, hasn't he? if he hasn't, you need to invite him. he's a