that kcatalyst might be a datapoint, a belief something may be better than expected or restructuringr break-up into several pieces or some other material event that could occur. in other words there's a moment to pull the trigger, a moment to buy. perhaps because you think that oil is about to spike because of a shutdown of the somethipigot russia or problems in the middle east and there's a moment to -- >> sell, sell, sell! >> when the event occurs and you're done. you must declare first before you buy. the vast majority will buy a stock for a reason and either the reason occurs and nothing happens to the stock, so you then decide, darn, i'll call it an investment and won't worry about it, buy more if it goes down or you decide to hold onto it because what's the worst thing that can happen? the answer of course is plenty and almost all of it bad. the answer is you never bought it in the first place if you didn't think the reason was going to occur. now there's no reason to own it in the first played. i've seen a myriad of investors developing a rationale that they are doing the righ