. >> we have a av and we want to collected datcollected data abo.t use us sensors and a compass and a doppler velocity log. >> what are the sensors and what are they doing. >> we attach sensors for the that listen for the sharks. it listens for the tags ateached to the sharks and it will drive around and follow the sharks as they move. what we have here are dummy plugs and these attach to a hydro phone. it's like a mike r microphone bt goes under water. the hydro phones are listening for acoustic categor tags and te things this big that attach to a fish or shark. every two seconds they will ping, ping. >> these robots have been used to shall for a decade now. they are used to mo monitor temperature and light and all things you want to know to monitor the ocean. we are asking the robots to do one more thin thing. we want them to follow the shark and characterize the enviroment. so we can build a 3-d map of the animal that we are tracking. and we know where the animal is in that 3 3-d space. and when the animal does something different is there anas s