he serves the ninth district of georgia which includes gainesville and you daulton. green i will have, georgia, up next. jack, republican line. >> caller: this is jack from ringold. we put new there for a reason. the people have been downgrading thank you way they are. my question is does any of these moneys that are going to coming back to the state, do they -- any of that be allocated important the county roads, local roads? we have some roads here that's ready in need of repair or is it just going to cover it like the state roads? thank you, sir. and -- thank you for doing the job for us. >> thank you. thanks for your call this morning. it would actually allow the states to use the money how they -- best see fit. and -- as, you know, i was in the georgia assembly, on the transportation committee, and i can remember commissioners and mayors joining me in my state house district and go down and talk to the department of transportation. they would always have their list of priorities the local community had. and that's what they would share with the department of tra