it's no secret because the name of the factory-- daum-- the name of two brothers who founded the factory. yes. nancy is the town where they worked. yes. and this was made in about 1910 in art nouveau style. it's a complex piece of glass. a series of layers of glass were formed-- blown together with successive layers. one color, dipped into a furnace, to pick up another color... right. and then repeated to kind of get a gobstopper effect of concentric colors. it was taken out of the mold, and whilst it was still hot, these molded forms of beetles were placed onto the hot glass. so, the beetles were heated up. a little bit of foil has been placed on the glass, and then a second piece of glass laid on top, and all of these differently-colored beasties were laid onto the hot glass... right. and then the whole lot was cooled. all together, a pretty swanky piece of glass. nice. and a very nice present. daum is a highly sought-after factory, and its value today would be in the realms of... you selling at auction, this is £5,000. good heavens. h