what happens in dava cabrini as novel reveals much about contemporary georgian society about its macho culture in which homosexuality remains a tipping about it's fear of change even positive change. on the streets of tbilisi there's. little indication of the sense of paralysis here things are lively and constantly in motion. although monotony does appear to be the rule in the city's outlying districts. now not really grew up in a village just outside the city. she lived right next door to a children's home a relic of the soviet era. this is pretty much what it looked like then too when it was known as the home for idiots. today it houses refugees from a party and south ossetia. in the early one nine hundred ninety s. its residents were unwanted children who were poor neglected abused and brutalized . they laughed and told us about a girl that they had held down while other children raped her. the girl cried and then the other children made fun of her. and i noticed this had become a kind of ritual have been given to this often. some twenty years later nona ectomy sheerly has with thes