-- 1523 52 you can think your child is home and he's in his room or her room -- special agent dave couvetier gave us an inside look at the fbi's new program don't be a puppet. just like violent extremists the target audience: teenagers. -- 1523 40 do parents really need to worry about their teenagers being radicalized? absolutely if you care about them if you want to protect them absolutely especially nowadays 48 -- standup the program is designed to be a game as you go through each level . you free the puppet and along the way learn about violent extremism and what to look for . that's where cair florida has some concern. -- 1646 32 because it's against the muslim american people that the fbi is trying to protect do this website 39 -- on the site the fbi gives information on terrorist organizations both domestic and abroad ... hoping to keep your child safe from another predator. --- 1533 43 we feel education defeats propaganda -- in tampa, cr, 10news. we've made it easy for you and your children to go through the fbi's program. just click "seen on tv"-- at wtsp dot com. president obama say