were joining us lie from bethesda, maryland is dave de roche. he is non resident senior fellow at golf international form and former nato oppressions director at the office of the us secretary of defense. thank you. so much for joining us. first of all, what's your reaction to the strike? well it's, it's pretty impressive accomplishment. tom's a walker. he himself was important from a justice and retribution standpoint. he is the leader of al qaeda, but it's also important to note that al qaeda has a sort of decline under his leadership. he personally was not a charismatic or inspiring leader along the lines of osama bin laden. and i had argued that so basically he was doing such poor job of leaving al qaeda that it might be worthwhile to leave him in place, but that's from an organizational attack stamp. when i think this is a, a proud moment for joe biden, tempered only by the fact that it took place in kabul, which thus raises the spectre of the withdrawal from afghanistan. and, of course, a terrorist organizations clearly re establishing the