. >> i am dave doggin and a long-time san francisco resident and the founder of the online smart citizens and very much in favor of the proposed bird safe building standards and want to commend the planning department and staff and their efforts with this project so far. and as you may know, san francisco sufficients from severe increasing light pollution and thick, unsightly sky glow, garish clutter and high levels of glare that reduce safety and visibility. the adoption of the standards and addressing the problem. and with the well being of the birds and with the nighttime standards and i thank you very much for your support. president miguel: thank you. is there additional public comment on this item? if not, public comment is closed. commissioner antonini. commissioner antonini: thank you and maybe some obvious questions and often times a low wide building than a tall, thin building and the example in new york and the morgan mall which was the worst. and it was said these tall, thin buildings are a threat and maybe it's more a question of the glazing than it is the form of the glazing