by united states soldiers being taught by their leadership, that they are owner superior men and dave echos that. he goes oh the ubermensc treatment. to get soldiers to kill unarmed civilians, this is further complicated because of irregularity of warfare, the impersonal nature, for example, you press a button to kill hundreds of people. in the documentary, it was pass fating these gentlemen who killed these afghan civilians actually kept body parts they kept a finger of the first individual. and they were playing poker the rest of the friends they threw the finger on the cards. almost as an anti-ing up, so obviously other folks within the platoon knew about it, what do you think from your research kept them from speaking up? i think it is very difficult -- you have to imagine yourself being a very young person, in a very remote and alien part of the world. surrounded by danger. you depend on everyone many that unit for your safety. for your security. the adherence of the group is what keeps you intact. and it's very very difficult to step outside that group raise your hand and say i object