. >> dave erickson, (inaudible) we're a nonprofit (inaudible) i find it interesting we're dealing with primarily adaptations. we've got a lot of success looking at mitigation, looking at it from the side of what we're going to have to do locally to address the cost of global warming. i wonder if you could address what you see as being a proactive method for addressing solutions to going forward to lowering impacts, incorporating the integrated planning element. >> anybody want to tackle that one? . >> well, i happen to have the good fortune of being in a room with the executive directors of the metropolitan transportation commission, the association of bay area governments and the bay area management district the morning after governor schwarzenegger signed ab32. mag matic people all. at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter what california does. but to a person they all said, but what this is about is leadership. it is anything you can do, anything step forward on this, anything we can be doing to introduce this problem and solutions into the way we as a society make decisions.