we served with governor dave heineman. the elected body of the people, the legislature went to work with the governor, they went through a long process, they rerouted the pipeline to address any concerns regarding the aquifer and other concerns that had been brought up. long laborious process. and approved it. every state on the route has approved the project. they've all approved it. they've all -- they've had six years to do it so it wasn't like they had to hurry. but they have all approved it. yet the federal government continues to hold it up and say, oh well, we have concerns. now, my esteemed colleague from washington says well, she was concerned about the supreme court decision can. well remember, the supreme court decision came up because after the state of nebraska approved the project, then opponents challenged it, forced it into court, went to the nebraska supreme court the nebraska supreme court found in favor of the governor and the legislature for the state of north dakota. excuse me, nebraska. for the state