joe palczynski's long-time attorney dave henninger was at the scene immediately. >> you're live on thego ahead. >> joe, joe, this is dave. joe, look, i am here for you. joe, i am here to get you some help. i need you to come out, joe. i need you to come out, and i need you to release the hostages and come out as soon as you can. i need to you come out right now. i'm here for you. >> bill toohey is the spokesman for the baltimore county police department and was immediately on-site for the standoff. >> joseph palczynski and television had this -- were obsessed with one another. joe palczynski wanted television. television wanted joseph palczynski. when he started taking people hostage, the first thing he did when he went into that house was turn on the television. >> the palczynski murders, kidnappings, two-week manhunt and hostage standoff had become a media circus. >> when he was on the run, he had with him a portable two-inch television set and a stack of batteries. when he went into the motel the second night out with tracy whitehead, the first thing he did was to turn on the televi