sergeant dave hewitt. i will be walking away on the force, unfortunately, not through choice as far as i'm concerned i'm still young and i wanted to continue being a neighborhood sergeant. that sounds like a front line police officer to me. >> yeah. >> can i ask the prime minister the same question. does he expect there to be fewer front line police officers in the years ahead? yes or no? >> there is no reason why there should be fewer front line officers. no, mr. speaker. both parties -- both parties agree that the police budget has to be cut. i heard the shadow chancellor say we would have made cuts to policing. they would have cut policing. we have to cut the policing budget. the question is, how do you make those cuts? we say you got to freeze police pay for two years. you got to reform police announces. you got to cut their paperwork. because you oppose all of those things you would have to make deeper cuts in police numbers. that is the case. >> dave miliband. >> mr. speaker, it's very simple we prop