launched partnerships and story collection programs in multiple american cities. >> isay: this is dave isaythey created a new way for people to submit stories online. >> isay: share your interview far and wide, and know that someday, future generations will be listening. >> o'donnell: every friday, for the last 16 years, national public radio sends one story into the homes, headphones, and cars of six million people. >> steve inskeep: hey, it's friday, which is when we hear from storycorps. >> o'donnell: we were recently at npr's washington studio to hear "morning edition" host steve inskeep introduce the story of miguel encinias, a decorated fighter pilot who passed away in 2016 at the age of 92. >> inskeep: he served as a u.s. military pilot in world war ii and korea and vietnam. two of his children, isabel and juan pablo encinias, came to storycorps to remember him. >> isabel encinias: when i was little, i remember him flying in his fighter jet and us waiting for him on the tarmac and thinking, "oh my god, what a hero my father is." >> juan-pablo encinias: as he got older, he was diagnos