i'm joined by dave jensen, our lead manager for the whistle-blower program, and also with us is steven munoz, who will be assisting with navigating our slides today, and together we'll be presenting to you some highlights and initiatives to date, using quarter two whistle-blower update report, which we issued about a month ago on march 15th, as a basis for providing you with new information. >> as a quick background, our whistle-blower office is contained in the office of the controller. it serves as the city's chief finance officer, or accountinging officer. the city services auditor has been tasked with carrying out the audit function for the controller's office, including risk based audits, and general standards, as well as administering our city's whistle-blower program, with the goal of investigating complaints or received on our whistle-blower hot line of fraud, waste, and abuse of city resources. on that slide three, it really provides an overview of the authority that we have at the controller's whistle-blower program in carrying out function. and really the three primary state