. >> hi, my name is dave kitross with lrp publications. i have been to a number of events where federal officials have talked about the need to do more with less. and i guess what i am wondering is sort of a two-part question. first, are there specific things your agencies are doing, and i mean, obviously you are trying to motivate people, are there sort of specific activities you have been automobile ble to do that. second part -- are we reaching the point, especially if some of the proposals, let's say to reduce the federal work force become law. where we are just, that is not going to be possible. agencies are just going to have to say look. if you still want us to do y, we are not going to do x anymore? we, at dhs from the beginning we formed something-- the efficiency review. it was kind of an intradepartmental effort to ferret out redundancy, waste. to figure out better, cheaper ways of doing things. and they literally have been able to find billions of dollars of things that -- that cost avoidances that we could have and then redepl