dave kline was the city's commissioner from 2011 o2013. to twean. 2013. i asked him about john bills, i asked kline why he didn't bring a halt to the red light camera system. >> i'll tell you mr. bills actually retired the week that i got there. so my interactions with him were very limited. and i spent most of my time actually work on a speed camera program. the red light camera program was in place for about ten years before i got there. it was very successful in reducing crashes. and i understand that there's controversy, obviously there are bad actors in the private sector and public sector and that's very unfortunate. it seems to happen even more in chicago.but the bottom line is, the cameras do work. they reduce fatalities and crashes and even an increase in rear end crashes, you know, rear end crashes do not generally result in fatalities. it is a fact. so i say they work. and i'd like to see more of them across the country like we have here in washington, d.c. >> well, according to several sources while you were the commissioner the majority of in