dave kohn was reprimanded and apologized. now, back to the program. >>> i have learned a lot of things with my walk with the lord. like i've learned not to be in fear of man, just getting rid of, like, different stumbling blocks in my life, just getting rid of a lot of things that are in my past and just being able to grow closer to him. >> honestly, the only person that i can think of emulating is jesus christ. i think there are skills that we can pull from people, skills that we see, okay, i want to grow in that area. but in my perspective i feel like those people are just following hard after jesus, quite honestly. >> there are things that don't teach jesus or the teachings of bibles. if we're going to call ourselves followers of christ, being known as those who are identified with him, then we need to be able to go, you know what, not everything in this culture is good for me. it's like, it's like candy with poison in it. it really looks good, but it's going to kill you. >> robert lived and wrote really the basic book abo