the winter cari farber's -- cari farver's text were driving dave kroupa crazy. rawling feeling that she was stocking and spying on him but always like a ghost. when he looked, she was gone. then one day about two months after it started, dave was driving home from his shop. >> i come in through the parking lot and i noticed the truck there because it still had all the snow on it and when i got up close, it's an explorer. oh, it's a red color. so, i called the sheriff and said i'm pretty sure i found her truck. >> he was right. it was cari's suv, still half buried in the snow. >> we impounded it. we had a crime scene tech process it and it was really clean. i dusted for prints and they found a fingerprint inside and recovered that. >> a fingerprint was found on a mint container in the cup holder of the suv. they ran the printer the national database. no hits. but, if cari wasn't using her suv certainly not daily, her presence was as unavoidable as ever, what was texts, emails, graffiti, threatening photos sent to both dave kroupa and liz goylar. detectives made su