on january the 6th we're going to be inviting dave kurto, he's already committed to coming and talk about contracts and how to work better between the cbo's and the departments and see if we can work out some of the glitches that have come up over the years. so very exciting, there's a lot going on, we have a busy crew doing all this subcommittee work and budgetary work. so lots to come. any questions? thank you. >> thank you. okay, next we have a by laws committee report and i think we have some copies, i will give that report. we met and went over our bylaws. i will tell you where there were changes. i have about three or four copies, i hope i don't have the wrong copy, but anyway, i'm going to take the one that i have marked. >> i ask a clarifying question, you say you met, how many people were there when you meet. >> each committee that's what's in the bylaws and we'll go over that. >> no, you were talking about this committee, the committee, the pars3 bylaw committe. the people on the committee were myself, commissioner itani and (inaudible) that was all we did. we did seek the city