hosted by none other than diamond dave larouche. the diamond dave? born to misbehave. the wiliest gambler west of the crack in time? absolutely not. oh, yeah -- huh? i despise gambling. it's throwing away good money. besides, no one wins against diamond dave. but i'm red hot. not even double "d" can stop this streak. please! the subject is closed. besides, you can't get to the other realm on your own, so forget about it. girl: cool car, libby. people are acting like libby's dad bought her the space shuttle. a convertible with a cd player. all the controls are on the steering wheel. you're not helping. you guys hear about the class trip to the celtics game? let me guess -- your dad bought you the celtics, too? nice try, freaka, warrior princess. i was just wondering if harvey needed a ride. don't you have to take the bus to those things? not if you have a car. losers. that's why we were going to take harvey's car, right? right, except it's up on blocks. for how long? you can count on it for graduation. well, i'll be saving shotgun for you, harvey, and claude the bus dri