also in attendance i believe we have dave lesing and anthony such. >> we also want to recognize moses corsette from supervisor kim's office. >> the act allows for tax exemption on interest for certain kind of debts issued through joint power authorities. that would be issued through the california authority to which is city is a participating mender. they can issue bonds, notes and other forms of debt. the resolution before you today, because federal tax law requiring that the governoring body provide this before the bonds can be issued on a tax exempt basis. the city of san francisco is not obligated for any payment on the bonds. a hearing notice was published in the san francisco chronicle. no comments from any members oh of -- of the public were heard or received. the csa expects to issue tax exempt obligations in an amount not to exceed $40 million. prior loans for projects for pre-k through 8 educational facilities located at 1415 howard street and 10th street in san francisco as well as a current project which is located at the main campus. i believe that's at the 10th street lo