the ceo, dave lester, said he thought oil prices would be go higher.hat's good news for the other oil companies. how ab technology? intel rep a beat, though the guidance was disappointinin earn gains and the biggest stock in th s&p 500, apple, risi recently expectation that would top earnings partly on the woes of its compet samsung. now on friday, we will hear from genera electric, on larg indus in the world. give us a better sense of the glo economy. here's the bottom line. it's early, but this is shaping up to be a well-above-a ea season. both the number of companies beatg and the magnitude by whic they e beating are both well for "nightly bu i' bob pisani at the new york exchange >> and our guest tonight says after a decade of no earnings gr and nine years of no gains in the stock market, thin may be about to change. is jeff kleintop, investment strate at charles schaub. welcom back. >> thanks for having me. >> what makes you think things are about to change? >> the earnings recession me over. while global economic growth may be about the same next