i have a question for dave levinthal. i want to know if he believes that trump committed any , andign-finance regulation does he believe that the clintons and democrats violated any in the last election? host: go ahead, dave. what is your conclusion? guest: the jury very much is still out on whether donald trump violated a law or not. that is why we have a process and will go through a process. of goings on the hook through this process because an entity has filed a complaint. that there isled nothing to be done and they will dismiss the complaint, but it is possible they may take a different direction. the case may be resolved when we have a different slate of commissioners, and it would be difficult to predict outcome of these if we do not vote -- know who the players are. for hillary clinton and barack obama, the fec has ruled that day or people closely associated to them have violated campaign-finance laws it sometime. barack obama-2008 -- barack campaign, they determined it violated election laws and they ultimately a