a bit more on this we can now cross the line to investigative journalist dave lindorff an editor of the news website this can't be happening today thanks for joining us this evening as we've heard the western powers claiming they've got intelligence that no rain in missile may have unintentionally brought down the ukrainian plane iran for it's by saying that's impossible do you surprised that world leaders coming forward making public claims before any official investigation has actually been conducted . i mean after all we have the lesion planes over ukraine as a model where you know it was all speculation and. never a clear. and transparent investigation in all the time along that you know we had. speculation that it was russia that it was a russian missile even though the same missiles that russia was alleged to have used are in the position of ukraine. the 1st thing that came to my mind when i listened to your story was that you know why why would we say that it was a russian missile instead of ukrainian missiles you know that they're they're both the same missiles that are being us