weak leadership of a divided party. >> dave miliband. >> mr. speaker, what an absolute disgrace to describe talking about cancer patients in this country as a smoke screen. this is about people out in the country, cancer charities who are concerned on their behalf and he doesn't know his own people. it's not about the people who are terminally ill. it's about recovering from cancer who are losing the support of this government. now, mr. speaker, mr. speaker, we know he doesn't think his policies through. isn't this one occasion when if ever there was a case to pause, listen and reflect, this is it. why doesn't he do so? >> what we have seen this week is the right honorable gentleman get on the wrong side of every issue. with its cutting the deficit we now have the cbi, the iod, the imf, his brother, tony blair, all on our side and only he is on his own. on welfare reform, we have everyone recognizing welfare needs to be reformed. apart from the right honorable gentleman and on the health service, yes, we now have the royal college of gp's, the