. >> dave morgan of chicago's lincoln park zoo preserved ape habitats in the congo for 16 years. >> the rest of the group is coming up behind here. >> he's helped turn animal hunters into wildlife trackers who now protect their former prey. >> this his the type of job that i feel good about and i can make a living from it. >> this is emily and her first baby, enos. we wear masks to make sure there is no exchange of disease either way. researches have spent years making sure they can be accustomed to human presence. despite threatened by logging, encroachment and being hunted for their meat, they are perfectly comfortable with us being this close. >> they craft their own tools to turn a termite mound into a meal, but even they have no defense against a dwindling habitat. there are as few as 170,000 than today. chimps are more territorial and less likely to survive a fourth move. >> what happens with logging, you force one to be displaced right on top of another. once you get two communities going together, you really do going together, you really do see chimpanzee carnage. >> researchers