the new coach is dave nakama, who is a former associate coach of the university of washington. he has a total of twenty years as a baseball coach, including ten years at stanford. dave nakama, sjsu baseball head coach i'm really trying to focus on the process of the game and i'm trying to keep the kids away from thinking of just outcomes. "i think what we're gonna do is we're gonna kinda be a little more aggressive then gamble a little bit more and try to steal a base or create some pressure by the hit and run. ú senior starting pitcher david russo is returning this season. the monterey native posted a 3-point-nine-seven earned run average in 59 innings with 41 strikeouts. david russo, sjsu baseball pitcher; " "everyone always has something to improve on i'd say for me it'd just be uh, just staying more composed on the mound not letting adverse situations affect me out there. coach nakama wouldn't say which of his players is the team stand-out. dave nakama: " "it's hard to pick out one kid, uh-uh i tell everybody who asks me how things are going at san jose state, i-y'know-ever