however, peter davidson can attest that dave osborne one of dick's classmates all-pro running back for the vikings is from cando. he's from cando. he and dick are classmates. well, this is such an honor. steve, thanks for including the to be able to participate in something like this. my ten years in congress, this is a highlight, it is. it really is, dick. i mean it. and for the handful of you who read the whole book, susan and i know dick, i'm sure she proofread it many times, by to read the whole book. i might've been the first person in america to read the whole book. i mean, i was texting dick as a rating on the airplane going i'm laughing so hard that the people next to me are concerned. but just to you a little context if you didn't read the book. my daddy and dick armey lived across the alley from one another in cando. and in the book that tells a story about richard kramer the elder richard. there's a number of richards that are in the book he references, but was passed with teaching the younger richard how to climb poles when dick joined the rural electric cooperative as a li