dave hamzy, host of dave ramsay show. let me start with you, tillman. what is your view of what the president said tonight. you're a very wealthy man, and he he wants to hammer you with new taxes. are you happy about that? >> absolutely not. but nobody wants more taxes. the fact is, there was a lot of the same rhetoric, but at the same time the tax credit, the $4,000 for every employer if they hire somebody who hasn't been for six months is extremely good. and that will help job growth to a degree. but it's best not to raise taxes on anybody. that's american capitalism at its best. let us take that money and let us create job was it. >> dave ramsay, would you agree with that? >> absolutely, i would agree with that. you've got to hand it to the president. he is one of the world's best or ators. that speech was master fully delivered. that's the upside. also, he recognized with his mouth anyway that small business is where jobs are created. they're not created out of washington. those are the parts i loved. the parts i didn't like were that it did sound a